Well Done: Well Done!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFarmer Tantoh, with funding from http://www.syfa-usa.org , worked to build a 5000 litre reservoir, install pumps, build water stands and washbasins and lay several kilometres of underground pipe. Many villagers took part in the project, helping with the build which has been completed in less than six months.


Farmer Tantoh said, “I am very proud of the whole village, they have worked hard and been very supportive. I hope the water supply will change their lives. If nothing else, the kids’ laughs and smiles make it the most fun project I could ever have hoped to be involved with.


“The experience has taught me a lot and, hopefully, future projects will be even more successful.”

Children with fresh water

Gene Barry, from the syfa-usa.org, said, “We are immensely proud to have worked with Farmer Tantoh on this most worthwhile of projects. He has been an inspiration and we can’t wait to collaborate further with him on future projects.”


Tantoh says his Green Apple Award has helped his credibility and encouraged his supporters to increase their commitment.

Here’s to the next one, Tantoh!