We would like to invite you to become a member of The Green Organisation.
If you help the environment by recycling, reducing or re-using your business materials we can help you to benefit from your environmental endeavours.
More and more people are choosing to do business with green companies and you can prove your eco-friendly credentials by signing up to our Code of Green Conduct and using The Green Organisation membership logo on your letterheads, literature and livery.
As a member, we will do all we can to help you to profit from your environmental commitment.

We have helped other Green Organisation members to:
- Win new business
- Increase profitability
- Obtain non-repayable grant funding
- Reduce energy costs
- Slash water bills
- Win local government tenders
- Establish subsidised social enterprise schemes to create training and job opportunities
- Earn massive positive publicity
- Recruit grant-funded employees
- Improve marketing effectiveness
- Save huge amounts on business costs
- Make valuable new contacts
- Attend major events free of charge
- Lobby for change at Government level
- Meet and network with target customers
- Maximise sales opportunities for products and services